Marty Marion Branding Positioning Expert

I'm Marty Marion

Brand Strategy / Positioning / SEO Expert / Ecommerce Expert
Author: The Positioning Matrix™

I'll Teach You To
Quickly... Decisively!



My EPIC ECOM RESET VIDEO Course teaches enterprise Ecom secrets to explode sales, revenue, AOV & LTV fast.  Click here for details now! ▼

Obsolete your competitors

My COMPLETE MASTER POSITIONING VIDEO COURSE teaches you everything you need for competitive advantage!
Yes. Everything.

I’ll Help You Achieve Crazy Success

Positioning + Messaging = Explosive Revenue Growth

In the digital universe your brand message is conveyed across many channels that ALL need to work together. It starts with crafting a truly compelling Positioning Platform that informs all your marketing and all your advertising. Then you use it to dominate your niche, out-rank and out-flank your competitors.

I’ll show you how it’s done.

What is positioning?
Who is positioning for?

Positioning controls how consumers behave towards your brand or agency and gives you complete control over consumer and client decision-making and purchasing of your products and services. It’s the foundation for successful branding and informs all digital and offline marketing and messaging. You need it. Positioning is for agencies (and their clients), brand owners, consultants, SEOs, marketers, content developers and advertisers. But only if you want to win big.

Own a brand or company? I already know you need more customers, clients and revenue. I know how to make this happen, and I’ll help you achieve this quickly.

Responsible for the success of a brand or multiple brands or clients? I’ve directed omni-channel marketing for major brands and the world’s largest agencies in almost every niche imaginable. I’ll work with you to show you how I’ve achieved massive success for clients for over 30 years using advanced tactics to make brands irresistible and dominate their niches.

Handle advertising, media buying, marketing, websites, or SEO for multiple clients? I’ve been a principal and consultant in advertising, marketing, branding and SEO for many agencies large and small, and for multiple consultants, driving significant increases in revenue and lower costs. I’ll help you win, win fast, and win big.

Content is king, as we all know. And you’re the king maker. But there’s content, and then there’s content that compels consumers to take the actions you need them to take to generate higher revenue, brand loyalty, switch to your brand, and rank high in organic search. Whatever content you’re creating, I’ll show you how to take it to a higher level of bottom line success.

Ads, as you know, have a purpose: drive leads, generate traffic, make sales, build and support brands, and increase LTV. When ad creatives and messages are powered with the science of positioning they perform better and generate higher ROAS. I’ll help you take your advertising to a higher level of success quickly, no matter what platform you’re placing ads on.

Very specific Ecom strategies & tactics lead to faster immediate purchases from first-time site visitors. The EPIC ECOM RESET Course will teach you exactly how to achieve this quickly.

Learn to amortize your cost of acquisition by using compelling tactics to get even first-time customers to buy additional products immediately, increasing your revenue faster than you ever through possible.

Even small increases in the frequency of getting customers to make repeat purchases adds up to massive increases in revenue, and cements your relationship with every consumer to keep them longer and make them more profitable. The EPIC ECOM RESET Course will show you exactly how to accelerate frequency of purchases.

The KPIs of ‘Average Order Value’ (AOV) and ‘Lifetime Value’ (LTV) are very mis-understood and the majority of Ecom marketers are using formulas that leave a lot of money on the table.  Stop it. The EPIC ECOM RESET Course will teach you the way enterprise-level Ecom brands dominate and scale with ‘Segmented AOV’, ‘Preference AOV’, and how they catapult LTV massively, and show you how to do these for your brand quickly.

If your Retention / Loyalty approach is based on customers achieving milestones to earn rewards, or subscribing to get discounts so you think you have a longer-term secure revenue stream, you have already lost. More than 70% of loyalty programs fail, and subscriptions can actually hurt revenue and LTV more than they can help.  I’ll show you how the leading Ecom companies in the world create ‘cult like’ loyalty and increase both revenue and Lifetime Value to maximize your Ecom business and profitability.

The EPIC ECOM RESET & why You Need This Course!

Enterprise-level Ecom brands dominate their categories because they deploy unique Ecom strategies & tactics that generate fast, frequent & highly profitable consumer purchase patterns.  It’s NOT about the products or offers, but about the PROCESS!  And it makes ALL the difference in the world in ensuring massive increases in first-time purchases, repeat purchases, higher AOV, and higher Lifetime Value. My new ADVANCED EPIC ECOM RESET VIDEO COURSE will change the way you think about and deploy your Ecom programs in 12 intensive and advanced video training sessions and extensive PDF workbooks, that will explode your sales and revenue forever.

About Me

With over 40 years experience as a big agency executive (think ‘Mad Men’), and having consulted to and directed highly successful branding, strategic planning and digital marketing for major brands in almost every niche, I have a unique combination of positioning science and digital marketing expertise that can make a huge impact on your bottom line.

If you’re serious about taking your brand, agency or Ecom results to a higher level, growing your market share, and overtaking your competitors, I’d love to share my knowledge with you and help you achieve the full revenue potential you should be getting. This is not beginner level stuff you’ve heard a million times. This is a fast track to unlocking serious success for serious brands, serious agencies and your clients.

Get My NEW INTENSIVE EPIC ECOM RESET VIDEO COURSE and Learn Enterprise-Level Ecom Strategies & Tactics to Explode Your Sales, AOV, LTV & Revenue.

Get My COMPLETE MASTER POSITIONING & BRAND STRATEGY Video Course and You'll Learn Everything You Need Eliminate Your Competitors to Totally Dominate Your Category.

Essential for Agencies, Brand Owners, Advertisers, Consultants, SEOs & Marketers in Every Category.

NO ONE ELSE Teaches What I Teach, And I’ll Teach You Everything.

A Few Testimonials From A Few Serious Experts

“Marty Marion is a marketing genius. He works with some of the biggest brands in the world. His positioning strategies, tactics and information give me such an advantage over my competitors that I don’t even follow up on proposals we put out these days. We are closing and on-boarding just under 50% of our prospects and I don’t even have the time or bandwidth to chase anybody anymore. I attribute at least 75% of this success to the positioning Marty has taught me. In short, if you are looking for that “thing” that is going to get you to the next level this is undoubtedly it. You can take a small sliver of what he teaches and club your competitors over the head with it. Marty has my full 100% endorsement."
Noah Lopata
Founder and CEO, Epidemic Marketing
"I can tell you that marketing, selling and advertising is all about competition and competitive advantage. One of the most powerful ways to outflank and outsell your competitors is by using brand positioning science in your listings, content and marketing.

Marty Marion is one of the all-time masters of brand strategy and brand positioning for massive competitive advantage. His programs get my highest recommendation. If you want to dominate your competitors, you want to learn from Marty."
Steven Black
Consumer Psychology Expert & Consultant
"What's exceptional about Marty is that he's an extremely experienced marketer who understands marketing on the deepest possible level. Marketing just doesn't get more in-depth. The way he digs into the mechanics and tactics of the purchase process and human psychology is revelatory and unique. His course was groundbreaking for me, and I've been into marketing for 30 years.

It's my belief and recommendation that signing up for Marty's course is the best thing you'll ever do as a business person. Hand's down, it’s the best value in all of the courses I've ever taken. You truly do get what you pay for, and WOW, you get a hell of a lot from Marty."
“Marty Marion is hands down the best strategic and operational brand positioning genius I have ever worked with. I invest in dozens of online and offline companies and have had my biggest successes when Marty gives his two cents. No one has a better understanding of how businesses and brands need to be positioned to thrive and scale profitably in today’s marketplace. Working with him has put me way ahead of my competition on numerous ventures.”
Sean Brown
CEO and Founder, Go VC
“Marty is bringing marketing to a whole new level with his understanding and expertise of brand positioning. You won’t find anyone else that understands positioning and branding more, and his tips are invaluable to both business owners and agencies.“
Marie Ysais
Founder and CEO, Ysais SEO
“Marty Marion is an experienced SEO with a specialty in large e-commerce sites, but his secret sauce is a unique approach to how branding, positioning and consumer psychology impacts all marketing channels. He’s the founder of the FB group, Master Positioning Insiders, and was a principal of two large ad agencies serving many well-known brands. Marty has developed a math-based model called The Positioning Matrix that he teaches to brands, agencies, marketers and consultants to help them gain an advantage over competitors in their niche.”
Steven Kang
Founder and Admin, SEO Signals Lab

If you haven’t taken one of Marty’s courses or workshops, you are missing out on serious revenue. He’s one of the smartest marketers I know, and when it comes to strategy and tactics, Marty is top of the list.  He teaches strategies no one else even talks about. Marty’s courses get my highest recommendation.”

Justin Brenner
Admin, AdLeaks
“For over 20 years, I have been professionally engaged with Marty Marion on a number of large and crucial brand, ecommerce, and strategic marketing initiatives. He not only grasps the power and nuances of how to achieve true competitive advantage, but has innovated powerful ecom strategies and tactics to catapult sales and revenues across all marketing channels seamlessly to deliver outstanding client profitability within their market niche. You REALLY want to learn from Marty; these courses are priceless."
Robert N. Samuels
Former General Manager, Ogilvy
“Marty Marion is one of the top digital marketers I know.”
Steve Wiideman
Co-Founder and President, Wiideman Consulting Group
“MASSIVE SHOUTOUT… I just got off a call with Marty Marion. He showed me a “MARKETING” process and tool you can use in your business that is amazing. Literally what he showed me how to do in one hour would normally take me 20 hours OR MORE. For those of you who don’t know me, I have been a healthcare professional and professional marketer for over 23 years. So when I say this is a BIG DEAL, I really mean it. Thank you Marty Marion.”
Dr. Adam Arnold
"Marty's guidance has been nothing short of transformative for me. His insights and expertise in business and marketing have not only enhanced my skills but have fundamentally altered the way I approach challenges and opportunities. Marty possesses a unique ability to distill complex concepts into actionable strategies, making him an invaluable mentor in navigating the dynamic landscape of our industry.

His tactical insights have played a pivotal role in the success of my projects, resulting in millions of dollars in revenue for my clients. Marty's ability to conceptualize and execute effective brand strategies is unparalleled, making him an invaluable asset for anyone seeking to elevate their brand and achieve tangible business results."
Amon Hanshaw
Private E-commerce Marketing Consulting

Resources From Me To You

PDF White Paper Positioning Matrix |

The Positioning Matrix™

Get Your Free PDF of Marty Marion’s proprietary model and White Paper: The Positioning Matrix™. Start here and see how to dominate your niche and outflank your competitors. 

Instant PDF download.

Private Positioning Consultation |

Live 1-on-1 Consultations

Book a Live 1-on-1 Intensive Working Session with me personally. I’ll work with you and show you the challenges and opportunities I see for your brand positioning and marketing messaging.

Limited availability.

Positioning Mastermind Program |


Get my Complete Master Positioning & Brand Strategy Video Course now and you’ll learn the insider secrets to competitive advantage your competitors DON’T want you to know!

YES!  You Need This.

Dominating Your Niche Doesn’t Happen By Accident.
Neither Does Exploding Sales, AOV & LTV.

Does your brand, service or agency suffer from the heartbreak of Lack-Of-Revenue?

Are you making as much money as you possibly can?  Are competitors eating your lunch? (You know they are.)

Want more traffic, more customers, more clients at a lower cost than ever?  Want to make your competitors obsolete?

Now there’s a way to eliminate Lack-Of-Revenue forever, and I’ll show you how.  Side effects include stronger lead flow, higher conversion rates and LTVs, and massive increases in revenue.

Ask your bottom line if dominating your category is right for you.