World’s #1 Brand Positioning & Competitive Advantage Expert Teaches The BIG Agency Insider Secrets Your Competitors Don’t Want You To Know.
24 Full-Length Video Lessons (30+ Hours) & PDFs For Every Lesson From Real Life Madison Avenue BIG AGENCY ‘Mad Man’ Marty Marion:
The Strategies & Tactics Only The World’s Top Brands and Agencies Had Access To UNTIL NOW!
Learn in 3-Minutes Why You Must Master Positioning Now! ►
Get My Positioning Master Course Videos & PDFs Now, And Learn The Positioning Secrets Your Competitors Don’t Want You To Know
Positioning Science is the most powerful strategy in any marketer’s toolkit by far. My ADVANCED MASTER COURSE in Positioning and Competitive Advantage is uniquely created for agencies, brand owners, consultants and marketers in every niche.
As the creator of The Positioning MatrixTM – the world’s first mathematical model for creating a brand’s positioning platform – I literally ‘wrote the book’ on competitive advantage strategy to take massive market share away from your competitors, totally dominate your category and explode your revenue. AND I TEACH IT ALL TO YOU IN MY POSITIONING MASTER COURSE VIDEO PROGRAM.
Positioning is the science behind every leading brand in every category. It’s the reason why EVERY leader in their category IS the leader in that category.
Positioning is how you totally control consumer and client ‘buying decisions’ about your brand, agency or service in your favor and away from your competitors.
Positioning Is The Foundation For ALL Messaging, Content & Advertising Across ALL Marketing Channels – For EVERY Type of Business in EVERY Category!
Positioning is the FIRST step in creating any brand and all messaging and marketing, across all channels.
You must create your Positioning Platform FIRST, and then you can effectively craft all of your branding elements and messages.
My Master Course videos and PDFs will teach you every aspect of how to do this and win.
If you don’t completely control your positioning, your competitors will do it for you, and it won’t be in your favor. In fact, they’re doing it right now. Every. Single. Day. Positioning is the ONLY way to stop this fast.
I’ll show you how to take control immediately and maximize your client and customer revenue and ROI big time.
In my Master Course Videos & PDFs, you’ll get all 24 full-length video lessons and thousands of pages of PDF files – from my SOLD OUT $5,000 LIVE MASTER COURSE – revealing the strategies and tactics your competitors don’t want you to know. This is not beginner level stuff you’ve heard before.
This Master Course Videos also include 6 full hours on ‘The Weaponization of Advertising and Marketing‘ – a subject I have only taught to my private enterprise clients. It’s a major evolution in the world of advertising and marketing you cannot afford to ignore or be ignorant of.
My Positioning Master Course Videos leave no stone unturned and give you truly actionable strategies and tactics in every lesson. This is by far the most advanced and intensive program I have ever taught, and I will NOT be teaching this course again… EVER!
About Me: Marty Marion
With close to 40 years of experience as a principal and senior executive of two of the world’s largest advertising and marketing agencies (think ‘Mad Men’ in the heyday of advertising), and having consulted to and directed highly successful brand positioning, strategic planning and digital marketing programs for agencies and major brands in almost every niche, I have a unique expertise in brand positioning strategy that can make a huge impact on your bottom line. And I’m ready to share it now with you.
I am the author of The Positioning MatrixTM, the world’s first mathematical model for creating a Positioning Platform, and I virtually invented the science of applied de-positioning for advertising and marketing. I’ve been using this successfully for the benefit of my private clients for years, and now it’s available for you and your brand, consultancy or agency (and your clients too!).
I am an admin and moderator of a number of the most significant digital marketing groups on Facebook, and the founder and admin of the private Facebook group Master Positioning Insiders.
Here’s Just Some of What You’ll Learn (and there’s a lot more!) and a Few of the Immediate Benefits You’ll Get:
You'll Learn To Create Higher Converting Ads at Lower Costs and Higher ROAS Than Ever Before:
Using Positioning Science, your ad headlines, content, images, calls-to-action and all message touch-points will reach deeper into the mind of your most highly qualified targets and actually compel them to take the actions you need them to take.
This reduces CPC (often by huge margins) and increases both CTR and conversions dramatically. The benefits run from Top-of-Funnel right through conversion.
You’ll See Insane Increases in Search Ranking, CTR & Conversion Rates:
I’ll teach you how to strongly and immediately reinforce and drive home your positioning AND de-positioning from search through the moment your targets hit your site or lander, and your conversion rates will absolutely increase.
When conversion rates increase, cost of acquisition goes down, AOV goes up, and you start the ‘stimulation’ and ‘retention’ phases much more quickly, increasing LTV significantly.
You’ll Close Higher Value Clients More Quickly Than Ever Before:
You’ll learn how to create your own Category Class to quickly establish that YOUR agency, brand, products or services will ABSOLUTELY solve your targets’ needs, resolve their pain points, and fulfill their desires… AND that your competitors can’t.
You’ll learn the most serious strategies and tactics to leave your competitors in the dust.
A Few Words From Some Very Serious Marketers
“Marty Marion is hands down the best strategic and operational brand positioning genius I have ever worked with. I invest in dozens of online and offline companies and have had my biggest successes when Marty gives his two cents. No one has a better understanding of how businesses and brands need to be positioned to thrive in today’s marketplace. Working with him has put me way ahead of my competition on numerous ventures.”
Sean M. Brown, CEO, Founder, Go VC and Co-Founder, AdLeaks
“Marty is an experienced SEO with a specialty in large e-commerce sites, but his secret sauce is a unique approach to how branding and positioning impacts all marketing channels. He was a principal of two of the world’s largest ad agencies serving many well-known brands and has developed a math-based model called The Positioning Matrix he teaches to brands, agencies, marketers and consultants to help them gain advantage over competitors in their niche.”
Steven Kang, Founder & Admin, SEO Signals Lab
“I’m one of the top experts on selling on Amazon and Facebook, and I can tell you it’s all about competition and competitive advantage. Marty Marion is the all-time master of branding and brand positioning for massive competitive advantage and he’s my number 1 go-to pro for optimizing brand positioning to gain fast competitive advantage. This program gets my highest recommendation.”
Steven Black, Founder & Admin, Unstoppable FBA
“For over 14 years, I have been professionally engaged with Marty Marion on a number of large and crucial brand and strategic marketing initiatives. He not only grasps the power and nuances of brand positioning for competitive advantage but has innovated powerful means to integrate this positioning science across all marketing channels seamlessly in delivering client brand dominance within their market niche.”
Robert N. Samuels, Former General Manager, OGILVY
Branding is NOT Positioning
Brand Positioning and De-positioning is what gets customers and clients to behave in favor of your brand and away from your competitors – whether it’s a purchase, a sign-up, a trial, asking for a quote, whatever.
Brand positioning is the FOUNDATION that underlies EVERY aspect of marketing, but it’s only ONE aspect of marketing strategy.
The real secret is how you use positioning and de-positioning across every messaging touch point in every channel to communicate your positioning (or your client’s) to your target audience. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that clever branding, a sharp logo, or a cool tagline is enough. It isn’t. It’s also NOT about how clever your creative is, or how much you spend on advertising. You do NOT want to out-spend your competitors, you want to out-smart them. Let me teach you how to get this right… or fix what you have now so it soars.
Positioning is the underlying strategy of every successful marketing and advertising program and campaign. If your positioning is off, even a little bit, your marketing will not be as successful as it could be. Your POSITIONING STRATEGY and COMPETITIVE DE-POSITIONING STRATEGY must come first, THEN you develop all your BRANDING and MESSAGING elements to support and convey this positioning to your target audience.
I’ll teach you everything you need to know to win in the COMPLETE POSITIONING MASTER COURSE!
Don’t miss this opportunity to get the most powerful coaching on brand positioning and competitive advantage ever offered!
Lesson 1: The Core of Positioning & De-Positioning
YOU’LL LEARN: What is Positioning; What is De-Positioning; A New Model of Understanding Competitive Advantage; What Every Leading Brand Does The Same; The Core Tools of Positioning Masters; Q&A Session.
Lesson 2: The Positioning Platform
YOU’LL LEARN: What is the Positioning Platform and How is it Used; Why the Positioning Platform is so Critical for Advertisers and Marketers; The Structure of a Powerful Positioning Platform; Stated vs Implied Positioning Elements; Example of a Perfect Positioning Platform; Q&A Session
Lesson 3: The Positioning Matrix™
YOU’LL LEARN: What is the Positioning Matrix™ and How is it Used; What are the 4 Essential Elements; What are the 4 Marketing Environments; What are Hybrid Marketing Environments; Completing the Positioning Matrix and Weighting the 4 Essential Elements; Q&A Session
Lesson 4: Category Classes, Why They Always Win, How to Create Yours
YOU’LL LEARN: What is a Category Class; Why Creating a Category Class is the Most Powerful Tactic for Positioning and De-Positioning; Different Types of Category Classes; Why USPs, Niching Down, and the ‘Big Idea’ Lead to Failure; A Review of Category Class Examples, and an Analysis of Why They Work; Q&A Session
Lesson 5: ‘Brand’ vs ‘Branding’; Competitor vs Competition (Yes, They Are Different!)
YOU’LL LEARN: Why ‘Brand’ is Not ‘Branding’, and ‘Branding’ is Not ‘Positioning’; The Critical Difference Between Competitors and Competition; Why You Need to Position Against Competitors and Competition Differently; How to Identify Your Real Competitors (it’s Not Who You Think); How to Evaluate Your Current Brand and Positioning Signals; Q&A Session
Lesson 6: Doubt And Dissatisfaction - The Two Critical Movers, How to Create Them
YOU’LL LEARN: The Concepts of Binding, Un-Binding, and Re-Binding; Using Doubt and Dissatisfaction: The Only Two Tactics to Move Your Targets From the ‘Old’ Way (Your Competitors) to Your Way; The Question Tactic to Stimulate Consideration; Real Life Examples Of Doubt And Dissatisfaction In Advertising; Q&A Session
Lesson 7: Brand Positioning Ladders and the Variance of Positioning Influence
YOU’LL LEARN: The Relative Power of Different Types of Influences and Influencers; Why Personal Experience is Critical and How to Generate it; The Four Types of Needs and Desires That Control the Buying Decision; How To Accelerate Consumers and Clients to Make Buying Decisions; Q&A Session
Lesson 8: Brand and Positioning Traps You Are Making; How to Avoid Them; How to Fix Them
YOU’LL LEARN: What are Brand Traps; Why Brand Traps Can be Appealing and Fatal; The Brand Extension Trap; Real Life Example of the Brand Extension Trap; The Tagline Trap: Is Yours a Trap or a Treasure; How to Avoid these Traps, and How to Fix Them if You’re Already in Them; Q&A Session
Lesson 9: Controlling The Decision-Making Process - Part 1
YOU’LL LEARN: Why Problem Recognition is the Key to Consumer and Client Buying Decisions; How to Stimulate Problem Recognition Faster and Decisively; The 4 Categories of Needs, Pain Points and Desires; How to Insert Your Brand Into the Consumer and Client Decision-Making Process; What is the Beauty Contest Effect and How to Win It; Q&A Session
Lesson 10: Controlling The Decision-Making Process - Part 2
YOU’LL LEARN: Inducing the Client Decision-Making Process; Information Discovery vs Consideration; Overcoming Pre-Conceived Beliefs; How Consumers and Clients Perceive Risk and Cost in Every Buying Decision and How to Play This to Win; Real Life Ads That Control the Consumer and Client Buying Decision; Q&A Session
Lesson 11: Controlling Perceptions, Beliefs and Interrupts
YOU’LL LEARN: Why Micro-Perceptions and Micro-Experiences Control the Buying Decision, and How to Create These; The Number of Steps in the Consumer and Client Decision-Making Process and Why You Can’t Change This; The Impact of Timing Between Buying Consideration Steps and How to Accelerate it Effectively; Avoiding the ‘River of No’ Trap; Using Positioning to Get Consumers and Clients to Absolutely Say Yes; Q&A Session
Lesson 12: The Positioning Venn Systems
YOU’LL LEARN: Why Current ‘Brand Lifecycle’, ‘Brand Building’ and ‘SWOT Strategies’ are Wrong and Dangerous; Using the Positioning Venn System to Identify Your Ultimate Positioning and De-Positioning Opportunity; How to Make Sure You are Not Overlapping Your Competitors’ Positioning; How to Use the ‘Sweet Spot Venn’ to Identify Where You Must Emphasize De-Positioning Over Positioning; Q&A Session
Lesson 13: Positioning in Advertising and for Agencies
YOU’LL LEARN: How the Masters of Advertising Use Positioning to Create and Scale to Billion Dollar Brands; Examples of Ads That Changed the World; Real Examples of Facebook Ads That Work and Some That Failed, and Why Positioning Makes the Difference; The Tactic of Linear Connectivity in Advertising; How Agencies of Any Size Can Adapt These Strategies and Tactics for Massive Scaling Quickly for Your Agency and For Your Clients; Q&A Session
Lesson 14: Marty's Private Client Positioning Workflow
YOU’LL LEARN: A Step-by-Step Walkthrough of Marty’s Personal Positioning and De-Positioning Workflow; A Detailed Explanation of Why You Need to Work Backwards, From the Outside-In to Win; The Exact Order of Steps You Need to Take to Craft Your Positioning Platform and Messaging to Eliminate Your Competitors; Q&A Session
Lesson 15: Ultra Advanced Positioning and De-Positioning Tactics
YOU’LL LEARN: The 4 Most Important and Powerful Advanced Strategies and Tactics to Achieve Positioning and De-Positioning To Eliminate Competitors Quickly and Decisively; What is the ‘Question Mark’ Tactic, and How to Use it; How to Adapt Your Current Brand Signals Without Having to Destroy Them and Start All Over; Q&A Session
Lesson 16: Segmentation To Increase Conversion, Stimulation and Retention
YOU’LL LEARN: The True Definition of ‘Segmentation’ – It’s Not About ‘Targeting’; How Segmentation Improves Every Aspect of Your Marketing and Advertising; How Data-Driven Segmentation Saves Agencies and Brands Time and Money and Increases Both AOV and LTV; 13 Segmentation Models to Choose From (You Need More Than One); Creating and Using the ‘Preference’ Tactic to Achieve Your Most Critical Segmentation Data; Q&A Session
Lesson 17: Positioning and The Acquisition Phase
YOU’LL LEARN: The True Definition of ‘Acquisition’ – It’s Not What You’ve Been Taught; Why You Must Out-Smart Competitors, Not Out-Spend Them and How to Do This Quickly; The Real KPIs for Acquisition That Actually Mean Something; How to Incorporate Positioning Into Acquisition Marketing Across All Channels; Q&A Session
Lesson 18: Positioning and The Conversion Phase
YOU’LL LEARN: What is the True Definition of ‘Conversion’ – It’s Also Not What You’ve Been Taught; Why Conversion Must Be a Linear Extension of Your Acquisition Positioning Message; The Real Impact of Conversion on Both AOV and LTV; The Power of Positioning-Guided Conversion Tactics in SEO, PPC, Social Media and Influencer Marketing; Real Life Examples of Successful Acquisition-to-Conversion Positioning You Can Model From; Q&A Session
Lesson 19: Positioning and The Stimulation Phase
YOU’LL LEARN: What is the True Definition of ‘Stimulation’ – Why It’s More Successful When It’s Guided by Positioning Science; Why Stimulation is Your Most Profitable Focus and Why it Makes All the Difference to Your LTV and ACOA; How Stimulation Can Be Created and Scaled Quickly and Consistently Through Positioning-Based Messaging; Real Life Example and Story of Massive Stimulation Success From Marty’s Private Client Vault; Q&A Session
Lesson 20: Positioning and The Retention Phase
YOU’LL LEARN: What is the True Definition of ‘Retention’ – It’s Also Not What You’ve Been Taught; Why Retention Failure Can Kill Your Brand, Service or Agency, and How to Avoid This; How to Plan for Maximized Retention and Maximized LTV From Day One; The Ultimate Secret to Maximizing Retention You’ve Never Heard Of; Q&A Session
Lesson 21: The Weaponization of Marketing and Advertising
A series of 4 live training sessions (6 hours) I have used only with my private clients and have never taught before. This is an extremely provocative and controversial subject that can be massively powerful when used properly, or massively dangerous if used for manipulation or misdirection. This module is ONLY available to Master Course Members.
Real Tactical Coaching, Not Just Teaching
In 24 full-length and intensive Positioning Training Video Lessons I will give you immediately actionable steps for your agency or brand, and for your clients. I will both teach and train you to understand and to be able to implement the critical aspects of positioning and de-positioning for competitive advantage. These are no-fluff intensive training sessions where we get down to the real work.
Unlimited Video Replays
Every Positioning Training Video is available to you to re-watch at any time, as often as you like. This enables you to go through each lesson as often as you like, and at your own pace. And you’ll get access to downloadable PDF files with all the content from each lesson.
Membership In My Private FB Mastermind Group
All Brand Positioning Master Course members will get automatic approval to join my private Facebook Group – Master Positioning Insiders – where I and many other top pros post continuously about branding, brand positioning and other related topics.
No ‘Guru’ Mumbo-Jumbo and No Upsells
I take each aspect of brand positioning science and de-positioning (the real home run for competitive advantage), which is often very complex, and break it down into intelligible actionable steps. I take the guesswork out of the process so it can be used by marketers and agencies in every possible category and for every size business.
I’ve been teaching this and using it for close to 40 years privately for my clients and several of the world’s largest agencies and billion-dollar brands, and I am pulling back the curtain on all the big Madison Avenue agency strategies and tactics your competitors don’t want you to know. These Positioning Master Course Videos and PFDs are not sales sessions for other services and you won’t be upsold or beaten over the head to buy the next greatest thing. Ever. This is serious information and detailed guidance on how to execute it across all marketing channels (OK, we’ll have some fun too, I promise).
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