About Our Brand Positioning and Competitor Positioning Audits
What is Included in Your Brand Positioning Audit
Every brand positioning audit includes a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of:
- Precision definition of your specific ‘sweet spot’ targets, including their pain points, needs and desires
- The current state of your brand positioning objectives
- Your top-to-bottom positioning strategy
- How your brand is currently conveying your positioning both verbally and visually
- How your competitors are overlapping and presenting challenges to your domination of your category
Deliverables of Your Brand Positioning Audit
You’ll get a comprehensive and extremely detailed report covering every aspect of your current brand positioning, the positioning of your top competitors, and an evaluation of both the obstacles your brand needs to overcome and the opportunities your brand has to ‘jump the line’ and dominate your category.
Our brand positioning and competitor positioning audits are a full strategic road-map, ready to deploy to enable your brand to quickly become the leader in your category, and out-flank (not out-spend) your competitors while you leave them in the dust.
No two brands are alike… that’s the whole point of positioning! The more ‘alike’ your brand is as perceived by your targets, the more competitors you need to move out of the way to dominate your category.
Cost of Your Brand Positioning Audit
Every brand positioning and competitor positioning audit is unique, a combination of intensive manual reviews and research, and they take approximately 2 working weeks to complete.
The cost of a brand positioning and competitor positioning audit is a one-time fee of $3,500. But…
We never undertake a Brand Positioning Audit unless we can absolutely provide exactly what your brand needs.
Book a free, no-obligation, no-sales-pitch discovery call now. We’ll explain all the details, and we’ll figure out together if a Brand Positioning Audit is right for your brand, products, service, agency or a client.